Minggu, 25 November 2012



Advertisement is promotion of goods, services, companies, and ideas that must be paid by a sponsor.
     Advertising is a means for entrepreneurs in order to introduce commercial products they sell. This is aimed at introducing more products have been marketed in advance it to the consumers in order to enhance the company's sales figures.
          ADVERTISING is one part in optimizing the quality of the addition of sales of a company, increasing marketing numbers, and for collecting the consumers who ultimately will provide additional profit to the company itself.
         So ADVERTISE means a medium to promote or introduce a product or a company's merchandise trade to consumers in order to increase attractiveness to the consumer to consume prioduk or merchandise that are sold by companies such dgang. And ADVERTISING which is part of the duty to make such advertising must be able to work to attract the consumers to consume goods that trade in order to enhance the quality of corporate marketing with profit in it.

Function of Advertisement:
•          Promotion
      •          Communication
  •          Information

Language of Advertisement:
•          Using the correct or suitable words 
•          Using positive expression
•          Using the interesting and suggestive expression
•          Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals

B   The Characteristics OF ADVERTISEMENT :
1.     * Strategically sound
     Every great advertisement is stragically sound. In other words, it is carefully directed to a vertain audience, it is driven by specific objects, its message is crafted to speak to that audience’s most important concerns, and it is run in media that will most effectively reach that audience.
      The measure of an adverttisement’s success is how well it achieves its goals, whether they are increased sales, memorabibility, attitude change or brand awareness.

**    Have an original creative concept.
    The creative concept is a central idea that gets the attention and prevails in the consumer’s mindset. A concern of creative thinking drives the entire field of advertising. Planning the strategy calls for creative problem solving, research efforts are creative; the buying and placing of the advertisements in the media (newspaper/ television) are  creative.

3.Use exactly the right execution for the message
    Good advertisers know that how a message is conveyed is just as important as what is being said in the advertisement. What is said comes from the strategy; whereas how the message is coveyed is a product of creativity and execution.

K Kinds of Advertisement:
1.  Family Advertisement

2. Invitation Advertisement

3. Sponsored Advertisement

4. Requested Advertisement

5. News Advertisement

6. Announcement Advertisement
7. Goods Advertisement
8. Merit Advertisement

Commercial Advertising
Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards, radio, cinema and television ads, web  banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, magazines, newspapapers, posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an “identifies” sponsor pays to deliver their message throught a medium is commercial advertising.
  Covert Advertising
Covert advertising is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise's character John Anderton owns a phone with the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watch engraved with the Bulgari logo.
 Print Advertising - The print media has been used for advertising since long. The newspapers and magazines are quite popular modes of advertising for different companies all over the world. Using the print media, the companies can also promote their products through brochures and fliers. The newspaper and magazines sell the advertising space and the cost depends on several factors. The quantity of space, the page of the publication, and the type of paper decide the cost of the advertisement. So an ad on the front page would be costlier than on inside pages. Similarly an ad in the glossy supplement of the paper would be more expensive than in a mediocre quality paper.
Broadcast Advertising - This type of advertising is very popular all around the world. It consists of television, radio, or Internet advertising. The ads on the television have a large audience and are very popular. The cost of the advertisement depends on the length of the ad and the time at which the ad would be appearing. For example, the prime time ads would be more costly than the regular ones. Radio advertising is not what it used to be after the advent of television and Internet, but still there is specific audience for the radio ads too. The radio jingles are quite popular in sections of society and help to sell the products.
Outdoor Advertising - Outdoor advertising makes use of different tools to gain customer’s attention. The billboards, kiosks, and events and tradeshows are an effective way to convey the message of the company. The billboards are present all around the city but the content should be such that it attracts the attention of the customer. The kiosks are an easy outlet of the products and serve as information outlets for the people too. Organizing events such as trade fairs and exhibitions for promotion of the product or service also in a way advertises the product. Therefore, outdoor advertising is an effective advertising tool.
Public Service Advertising - As evident from the title itself, such advertising is for the public causes. There are a host of important matters such as AIDS, political integrity, energy conservation, illiteracy, poverty and so on all of which need more awareness as far as general public is concerned. This type of advertising has gained much importance in recent times and is an effective tool to convey the message.