Minggu, 25 November 2012



Procedure text are text that explains how to use instruction guide / usage. Example:The text shows how to perform certain activities. eg recipes, rules, play games, scientific experiments, road safety rules. Text-related human behaviour. Examples :  Courant way of life, how to be successful.
The purpose is to tell the reader how to do something. These events are usually divided into several steps. This text is written using the present tense. 

(1) Goal (purpose or goal)
(2) Material Needed (material / equipment / materials required)
 (3) Methods or Steps (Method / steps) 


“ How to make Yummy Tela-Tela Cassava”

Materials and Ingredients:

-      Medium Cassava
-      Cooking Oil
-      Spicy-Sweet and Grilled Corn Instant Seasoning
-      Frying Pan
-      Steam Pan
-      Knife
-      Spoon
-      Medium Jar
-      Plate
Steps :

1.Prepare the materials.

2.Peel the cassava, cut it into 2 knuckles. Then,wash and steam it about 15-25 minutes for tender it . 

3.After steaming,remove cassava from the pan and put off its stick.

4.Heat the cooking oil in frying pan with mediunm heat, fry until golden yellow .

5.Drain the fried cassava.

6.Put the fried cassava in the jar, and pour the instant seasoning to the jar.

7.Stir or shake it until mix well .

8.After that,pour it to the plate. 

9.Yummy Tela-Tela Cassava are ready to serve. Feel the crispy sensation on your taste! 


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