Sabtu, 24 November 2012



 Giving instruction is an expression that is used in order that order that other person does what we instruct or request, or giving imperative to other people for to do or not to do something, Giving instruction sometimes called comperative/prohibition.The tense that used in giving instruction is Simple Present Tense.

Here are the formula to make an instruction :

1 .Use verb as commanding word in the form of infinitive without to :
     * Verb+O
Ø Sit down.
Ø Sweep the floor.
Ø Clean the whiteboard.

 2. Use Be + Adjective or noun or adverb :
· Be careful!
· Be quite!
· Be on time!

- Be strong !

 3. Use the word Don’t + infinitive verb or Don't + be + adjective :

* Don’t climb!
* Don’t do it!
* Don’t let them in…

* Don't be angry easily !
* Don't be lazy !

 4.To make the instruction be politer, we can used please that put in front of sentences or back.
~ Please, wake up. / Wake up, please.
~ Please, be quite. / Be quite, please.
~ Please, do your homework. / Do your homework. Please.

~ Please, clean your bedroom / Clean your bedroom,please....

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